Lamar Odom Commentary: When The World Prayed


There are documented cases where people share their near death experiences, often referred to as out- of- body experiences. Many of these people say they hear God speak or that they find themselves walking into the white or bright light leading to heaven’s door. I wonder about Lamar Odom’s near death experience. Did he see God? Did his whole life flash before his eyes? Perhaps we’ll never know. What I know for sure is that the world grieved, prayed and asked God to save this man after a near fatal drug overdose. We didn’t judge. Instead, we prayed for his life, through his comatose state, his organ failures and his altered mental status. We prayed and although there are reports that he’s still limited in certain physical and mental capacities, a team of doctors guided by God’s invisible hand helped restore Lamar Odom to the extent that he can walk, talk and smile again.


Lamar Odom was given a second chance at life. He was one of the lucky ones and as the world got to see him slowly improve; fans, friends and family of Lamar Odom thanked the good lord for bringing Lamar back. Regardless of the obtuse act he committed against himself, the pain and suffering he caused to his loved ones and the fear that he might not make it shared by the world, we all were rooting for Lamar Odom. The latest reports about Lamar doesn’t sound good. Lamar is reportedly drinking again and thinks he can handle it. Lamar Odom is a human being in pain and an addict in denial. An addict with all the resources he needs at his disposal to get the treatment he needs to stay clean and sober and free from drugs.


Lamar is allegedly telling friends and family that he doesn’t need treatment for his addiction, but he is willing to continue his physical therapies. In my humble opinion, Lamar Odom is very, very, lucky to be alive. Sadly, Lamar ill informed if he thinks he can have just one drink. His addictive personality won’t allow it. Lamar Odom needs to do the work he must do to live and become the great man he can be. If he doesn’t do it for himself, then, do it for his children.


Lamar, the world wept, prayed and had conversations with the man upstairs when we thought you might not make it. We prayed then and I suppose we’ll keep praying for you, like humanity calls for us to do, but you’re not doing your part. You have to wake up Lamar and be accountable~ there are little boys and girls wanting to play ball like you and they are watching from the sidelines. We prayed for you when you were knocking on death’s door, Lamar Odom and we’ll keep praying for you, even when we just want to knock some sense into that beautiful bald head of yours!! Get the help you need and thank the good lord every single day for giving you another change to get your life right.


Alright, what y’all think about Lamar Odom drinking again? Should we be worried he’ll start the drugs? Tell me what you really think in the comments and I’ll get back with ya next month.


Wendy Williams Gets ‘Butt Enhancement’ Tips From Doctor Oz


Viewers of the Wendy Williams Show knows there’s definitely no shame in her game when it comes to getting the teas. Disregard Oprah in the video. This is not about Lady “O.” On today’s show, the gossip maven had as one of her guest, Dr. Oz, who spoke on the Ebola Virus and butt implants. Yep, Wendy Williams, no stranger to plastic surgery, like liposuction and breast implants, asked the good doctor which would he recommend using for butt enhancements, Silicone or Fat Injections?


Dr. Mamet Oz recommended good old butt squats to get a natural rounded butt, but, y’all know Wendy wasn’t having that! According to Dr. Oz, then, silicone can burst and send that stuff spreading throughout your blood stream. If women wanted to look bootylicious, with the help of butt implants, say like a Khloe Kardashian and Iggy Azalea? Dr. Oz would recommend fat injection because it’s your own fat taken from a fatty area of your body and injected into the buttocks. I don’t know bout y’all but I accept me as I am and don’t have body image problems and I’m not a celebrity,so do you. Just sayin’

Dr. Oz also cleared up a bit about the Ebola Virus. Well, the patient from Liberia, who was in critical condition from the disease, has recently passed away. Dr. Oz calls the virus a stupid disease. I call it a killer that’s taken the lives of many. Hopefully containment and cure is in the works. Wash y’all hands and stay vigilant to help prevent the spread of this virus.

Here’s the cover of Dr. Oz new magazine, The Good Life.


Okay, holla’ and remember to “treat yourself special.”