Why Kim Fields Is A RHOA Class Act

Good Morning G-Moguls! This post was scheduled a week ago and put on hold after hearing about the sudden passing of Angela “Big Ang” Raiola of Mob Wives on Thursday Feb 18th. In my humble g-maven opinion, Big Ang made that show! She was a peacemaker. Angela Raiola’s last appearance was on Dr. Oz where she spoke to her fans about her 4 decade old cigarette habit, her cancer diagnosis and doctors 30% prediction at life prognosis. My condolences to her family.

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I Hope all of y’all had a lovely and loving Valentine’s Day and for the kiddies, it was a great time being out of school on President’s Day.Yay! Anyhew, it’s all love. So, here I go regressing to my same ole Real Housewives of Atlanta watching. I mean these women are behaving in the most ratchet way ~ seems like they’re running neck & neck with the cutthroat ratchets of Reality TV’s cast of Love & Hip Hop.

Okay let’s just rewind to the reality of all of these shows. According to a Hollywood insider that I interviewed a while back, these shows have to bring the drama. No question that these reality stars are being coached on the sidelines by producers, with the understanding that if they want to stay relevant, keep holding that peach (RHOA), and pick up that hefty pay check, they had better keep bringing out the ugly, for viewers to keep watching.


And nobody brings the “ugly” more than Ms. Kenya Moore! Just sayin. For all of us thinking Kenya might chill now that she has a young 28 or 29-year-old stud as her Valentine, heck she should be calm, cool and satisfied, right? NOT! Kenya Moore is whining and acting so possessive, jealous and immature, in relation to her BFF status with ( a work in progress now that NENE is back) Cynthia Bailey. And she’s taken on an ugly stance against the newest member of the housewives, Ms. Kim Fields aka Tootie on the long running Facts of Life television show and as one of the roommates, Regime, on Living Single. The woman has a glowing body of work that makes Kenya Moore twirl with jealousy and envy.

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Although Kenya can’t seem to contain her dislike of Kim Fields, the other women at least pretend to like her. It’s only when Kim isn’t around that the others might cackle and grin behind her back. Phony & inauthentic behavior, ladies! I was really in agreement with Sheree Whitfield when she spilled the beans to a clueless Kim Fields. Lots of folks are having their say about Kim being on the show.  Even celebs weigh in and feel like she can’t handle the women. Actor Jerry O’Connell, in response to a question asked by Andy Cohen on Watch What Happens Live, thinks Kim didn’t know how ‘vicious’ the women on the show could be. I personally feel Kim  have got to throw a little shade when dealing with those wenches- come on, people, a little shade never hurt nobody!

I applaud Kim Fields for bringing a bit of “real” to RHOA and for letting the women see how a for real lady carries herself in the face of backstabbing, haters, instigators and green-eyed monsters~ Kenya “twirl” Moore.

Okay, that’s a wrap, people. I have more irons in the fire, so enjoy your weekend and tune in next month for more from Clara’s celebrity teas, given the only way yours truly dish it, with truth & flavor:)


Wendy Williams Gets ‘Butt Enhancement’ Tips From Doctor Oz


Viewers of the Wendy Williams Show knows there’s definitely no shame in her game when it comes to getting the teas. Disregard Oprah in the video. This is not about Lady “O.” On today’s show, the gossip maven had as one of her guest, Dr. Oz, who spoke on the Ebola Virus and butt implants. Yep, Wendy Williams, no stranger to plastic surgery, like liposuction and breast implants, asked the good doctor which would he recommend using for butt enhancements, Silicone or Fat Injections?


Dr. Mamet Oz recommended good old butt squats to get a natural rounded butt, but, y’all know Wendy wasn’t having that! According to Dr. Oz, then, silicone can burst and send that stuff spreading throughout your blood stream. If women wanted to look bootylicious, with the help of butt implants, say like a Khloe Kardashian and Iggy Azalea? Dr. Oz would recommend fat injection because it’s your own fat taken from a fatty area of your body and injected into the buttocks. I don’t know bout y’all but I accept me as I am and don’t have body image problems and I’m not a celebrity,so do you. Just sayin’

Dr. Oz also cleared up a bit about the Ebola Virus. Well, the patient from Liberia, who was in critical condition from the disease, has recently passed away. Dr. Oz calls the virus a stupid disease. I call it a killer that’s taken the lives of many. Hopefully containment and cure is in the works. Wash y’all hands and stay vigilant to help prevent the spread of this virus.

Here’s the cover of Dr. Oz new magazine, The Good Life.


Okay, holla’ and remember to “treat yourself special.”

Michelle Obama Talks Healthy Eating On Dr. Oz

Okay, so I got up early this morning to do some work since on Tuesday, I gave myself a “me time” day . I deserved it because I’d finished my third short story for contest submission! Anyhoo… got up early, had  slice of toast and coffee. Did a post on clara54 site and watched highlights from Wendy Williams and The View- good stuff going on there:)  Around 11am I’m famished, but, didn’t dare miss Dr. Oz with First Lady Michelle Obama, so sat through that before going back to the computer…I’m way too hungry to tune in to a few webinars and write for you guys, so I get up and fry myself a Bologna sandwich- yep, I’m making this sandwich and thinking, as I’m piling on the mayonaise, how good I’m going to have it when my personal chef (in my head) prepare those decadent meals from every culture- Asian, Indian, Italian, Nigerian, Cuban, French,those good ole American cheeseburgers… I console myself with the fact that Barbara Walters loves Bologna sandwiches. just sayin’

Anyhoo, settled for Balogna sandwich, Kickin’ Jalapen Ranch chips minus the dip and a pepsi-hmmm. Enough about me, let’s get it going with the g-mogul “Ts.”  Let me just say, I wanted to talk about Dina Lohan’s interview with Dr. Phil. For the record, I never watch Dr. Phil. Not since he became famous by way of Oprah Winfrey,  not hating people, just stating a fact. Oprah loved Dr. Phil after he kept her from having to pay those cattle folks in Texas. I decided against dishing on Dina’s behavior on Doctor Phil, due to the obvious fact that the woman & her daughter, Lindsay are in need of serious intervention, which, by the way, Dr. Phil attempted to do but with resistance from Dina. I mean when she alluded to the man’s ” little tie and little shoes.” 🙂  Today we learn Lindsay is in trouble again…

What I loved about watching Dr. Oz today was the positive message First Lady Michelle Obama had for parents and their kids when it comes to healthy eating and obesity. It’s great that Chicago children are back to school and what a timely message from Dr. Phil and Mrs. Obama. Guys, my kids are adults with kids of their own but even I was ready and willing to have a go with those delicious looking meals the kids were eating on the show: )

Okay, I have a food fetish, but, come on, eating healthy is all the rage. Schools are also going to get a change in how exercise is perceived. I’ve been trying to tell young people for years, it’s ok to be you! Not having to compete with other children while in gym is going to lessen a lot of anxiety levels in children. Parents & chldren have to get their motivation back and lessen obesity!

Okay, now look, I also got a good laugh when Dr. Oz attempted to jump rope. The man was all over the place! but, did a fantastic job keeping up with Michelle Obama, doing a five sequence of rope routines and executed them very well. I got exhausted just looking at her. But, I also thought why not bring on the hoola-hoops?!

In case y’all didn’t catch these little tidbits? Wendy Williams will have on a bathing suit next week as she spends time with an Olympic swimmer! Tony Danza and Tupac were pen pals and Lucy Liu will be playing the female version of Watson to Jonny Lee Miller’s ( ex spouse of Angelina Jolie) Sherlock Holmes. For the record, I will be watching “ELEMENTARY” because I so love the Sherlock Holmes series. Truth be told, nobody does ‘Sherlock’ like Robert Downey Jr. does ‘Sherlock’ – just sayin’ 

Anyhoo,what y’all think about today’s post? Hit me with your best shot 🙂
